THE REBALANCING METHOD - 7 Foundations to Balance Hormones After 40

This 90 day high level 1:1 VIP Programme is for women in midlife who want to stop feeling stressed and overwhelmed and start feeling less anxious, get their energy back, banish brain fog and feel more confident!

Me and my dog Cash


Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You feel anxious all the time but you don't know why?
  • Your digestion is up and down, you're not sure what's going on.
  • No energy even though you just woke up.
  • You feel exhausted all the time and not like yourself.
  • You are steadily gaining weight even though you are eating well.
  • You're constantly tossing and turning in the night and can't get back to sleep.
  • Your emotions are all over the place! You're happy one minute, sad the next!

AND you've become so ground down from trying to manage it all. YOU want answers!

This was me too...

Hitting 40 was a big turning point in my life. I started noticing little things. I wasn't bouncing back like I always used to. I wasn't sleeping properly, I was tossing and turning and waking. One night out turned into feeling like a zombie for 3 days AND my trusted diets to shift a few extra pounds no longer worked. It started to affect my mood. Made me more anxious AND put a massive strain on my relationships. Even though I knew I couldn't go on like this, I was in denial! I was far too young to be starting menopause. Surely?

But I knew I needed to embrace that yes perhaps I was starting menopause and, NO that didn't mean the end of feeling young, the end of my sex life and the end of feeling like a real woman. It just meant things were changing. If I wanted to start feeling “normal” again I'd have to start making some changes to my diet and lifestyle.

I decided to take my health seriously, study nutrition and research all things perimenopause. And that's why I have made it my mission to educate and empower women to take back control of their hormones and reclaim their health!

Now I want the same for you!

I know the strain and changes that perimenopause puts on your body and I understand the exact science to rebalance your hormones and nourish your body the right way.

Imagine this...

  • You know exactly what to eat to support your hormones, not disrupt them because you have an easy to follow personalised nutrition plan.
  • You are confident with your weight and know what to do to maintain it.
  • You're finally getting a good night's sleep and you wake up refreshed and ready to face the day!
  • Your mental clarity is back and you no longer have brain fog!
  • You have energy all day and know what foods you need to keep it balanced throughout the day.
  • You have taken back control of your emotions and know what to do to improve your mood when you feel down.
  • You no longer feel anxious because you have the tools and mindset to manage your stress.
  • You're smashing your midlife and you feel like your old self again!

AND you're spending more time doing the things you love and enjoy!

THE REBALANCING METHOD will give you the confidence you have the right foundations in place so you can transform your health, from ground down and exhausted to amazing and energised!


Here's what you'll learn during 90 days of powerful 1-1 personalised nutrition coaching:

  • How to eat to support your hormones not disrupt them.
  • Learn how to achieve the right weight for you.
  • The secret to all day energy so you never have that 3pm slump again!
  • How to create healthy habits and the knowledge and confidence to know you can stick to them.
  • The pro's and con's of taking supplements and how to choose the right supplements for your targeted symptoms.

During this 90 day 1:1 Mastermind we'll deep dive into every aspect of your life including your sleep, stress, diet, movement, hormones & digestion!

PLUS 100% accountability to keep you on track!

You'll get: 12 weeks of support, plus 7 one to one calls, initial health assessment, personalised health plan, energy & blood sugar review, personalised wellness vision, sample meal plan (if required) + supporting recipes & 10% off recommended supplements.

VIP Exclusives:
Mon - Thursday 10 - 5pm direct message support via my secure client portal (to ask any questions in between sessions and keep you on track) Weekly Food & mood diary Review (if desired).

THE REBALANCING METHOD will give you the know-how and confidence to finally take back control of your health and have the midlife you deserve!

With 12 weeks of high level 1:1 support you're guaranteed to get results. It's never been easier to start nourishing your body with the right nutrition so you can start smashing your midlife!

If you're committed to creating the life that you want and one that gives you the confidence to own your perimenopause, then THE REBALANCING METHOD will transform your life.

But that can ONLY happen if you're ready to make a commitment too. Which is why THE REBALANCING METHOD is only available to a limited number of women, whose ultimate goal is to RECLAIM THEIR HEALTH.

Just think about how amazing you could feel in just 12 weeks, you'll have everything you need and be ready to take back control of your body, stop feeling overwhelmed, have the energy you want and be ready for anything mid life throws at you!

Yes i need this


I want you to get the results you deserve! This method is for you if you're prepared to put in the work, make the nutrition and lifestyle changes you know you need to make to achieve your goals and have the midlife you want!

This isn't for you if...

You're someone who expects an instant “magic pill” solution without putting in the work.

You're not 100% committed to nourishing your body with the right nutrition and making lifestyle changes you know will help have the midlife you deserve!

Which one do you want to be?



Hi I'm Emma

Perimenopause took me by surprise! I wasn't ready or prepared for this phase of my life.

I was constantly trying to figure out how to ease my symptoms. Being told by the doctor that it was normal and “just part” of hitting 40 and something I'd just have to learn to live with, made me determined to find a solution. This is what led me to become a qualified nutritionist.

My 4 years of study of the science of nutrition and in depth research of perimenopause has enabled me to join the dots and find the missing link to rebalance my hormones and say goodbye to my symptoms once and for all!

Combine this with my 12 years experience of owning and running a Nutritional Cooking School and I have the guaranteed combination to help women just like you, rebalance their hormones and see how the power of nutrition can have a positive impact on your health and well being.

And it's the reason I now help women over 40 with the RIGHT nutrition so they can live the midlife they deserve!


  • How do I know this program is right for me?

  • I'm only just starting my perimenopause journey. Can I join this programme?

  • Do I need to be 40 to join?

  • I take HRT. Can I still join?

  • I want to go the natural route and do not want HRT. Can I still join?

  • I have already achieved menopause can I still join?

  • I am a fussy eater. Will you make me eat foods I don't like?

  • Is the cost of functional tests and supplements included in the programme?

Price: £1800

Payment plans available.

Book now