PREP & RESET - 2 Day Whole Body Detox

Whenever I feel like a little refresh, I've over indulged or I know I've got a lot of indulging to do, I do my PREP & RESET 2 day whole body detox.
Photo of a hand holding a smoothie.

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It's based on fresh, nutritious and restorative foods that are easy to digest, help to heal the gut and boost your intake of immune supportive antioxidants.

It's smarter, safer, more enjoyable and definitely more effective than any restrictive juice fast or cleanse you might have tried before.

It will leave you feeling energised, lighter, brighter and glowing from head to toe!

How our body’s detox system works

There are two phases to detoxification, well three really but only two take place in the liver - the first phase is an activating phase which involves turning harmful toxins into less harmful, water soluble metabolites.

The second phase which is often forgotten in a lot of detox plans, is all about the detoxification pathways (there are 6). This is where the liver attaches another molecule to the water soluble metabolites from phase 1, so that they can be removed from the body safely. Supporting the second phase is important because the metabolites from phase 1 can be quite dangerous, so you really don’t want those hanging around.

Both phases require certain cofactors to work effectively - amino acids from protein, vitamins and minerals. As well as polyphenols and antioxidants, found in a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. When we don’t provide the body with these cofactors or only focus on one phase, the detoxification process doesn’t happen efficiently, leading to imbalances in hormones, immune system dysfunction, skin breakouts, low energy and inflammation.

The problem with most detox plans

Many detox plans focus only on phase 1 and are often lacking in the nutrients required for phase 2, resulting in you feeling the effects of these circulating toxins hours later. This may explain why some detoxes can leave you feeling low in mood, tired, nauseous and with a banging headache.

The 3rd phase of the detoxification process is the actual removal of the toxins and is referred to as the elimination phase. This is when the waste products leave your body via urine, sweat and stool. This requires good gut health, adequate hydration and 1-2 poos daily. If you aren’t producing 1 -2 poos daily you may have a problem! There's no point in pushing phases 1& 2 if phase 3 isn't working properly!

Ways to support all 3 phases

Phase 1 - B vitamins found in salmon, seafood and leafy greens plus eggs and amino acids from protein. As well as antioxidant rich foods high in vitamins C, E, A, zinc and selenium.

Phase 2 - amino acids from protein, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, sprouts and cauliflower, plus sulphur rich foods like garlic, onions, meat and eggs.

Phase 3 - adequate hydration and a fibre rich diet, high in colourful fruit and vegetables.

Movement, adequate sleep, dry body brushing, epsom salt baths and sun exposure all help the process too.

If you do a detox plan based on the scientific principles of detoxification mentioned above, you will feel great as well as have increased energy, improved sleep, glowing skin and more clear thinking.

PREP & RESET - 2 Day Whole Body Detox

Two whole days with tasty, vibrant recipes designed to provide a whole body RESET and to support all phases of detoxification.

Both days you will be starting the day with a smoothie then having a light lunch and dinner of either salad or soup, followed by a second course (evening meal only). To mix it up a little try having salad on day one for lunch and soup for dinner then on day two have soup for lunch and salad for dinner.

Remember to drink plenty of water and herbal teas throughout the day. If you drink a lot of coffee and or tea it may be a good idea to start to reduce these in the few days before you start the 2 day detox to limit the chance of caffeine withdrawal.

On waking - drink a large glass of water with a pinch of himalayan pink salt or if preferred hot water with a squeeze of lemon or lime and a pinch of himalayan pink salt.

Breakfast - All the Greens Breakfast Smoothie

  • 1 kiwi peeled and chopped
  • 1 thick slice of pineapple or handful of frozen pineapple
  • 1 small apple chopped and core removed
  • 5cm piece cucumber
  • 1 large handful fresh spinach or two cubes of frozen spinach
  • ½ an avocado
  • 1 thumb sized piece ginger peeled
  • Juice of 1/2 a small lemon
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
  • 180-200 ml water or plant milk
  • 1 scoop collagen powder (optional)
  • 1 scoop protein powder (optional)

Directions - Add all the ingredients to a high speed blender and blend until smooth. Add a little more water if you prefer a thinner consistency.

Mid morning - Glass of water/herbal tea and or a golden milk, chai latte or matcha latte made with either coconut, almond or cashew milk.

Lunch - Super Green Salad with Zingy Dressing

Mix together 3 handfuls of green salad leaves like watercress, spinach & rocket or use a half bag of ready prepared salad mix with ¼ of a cucumber diced, half a sliced red pepper, a handful of cherry tomatoes halved, 2 sliced spring onions and a grated carrot. If you have any fresh herbs add these too, then pour over half the dressing and stir to coat (save the other half for tomorrow). Serve with 150g of either cooked salmon, prawns, chicken breast or 3 boiled eggs.

For the dressing

  • 1 tbsp almond butter
  • 1 tbsp sesame oil
  • 1 tbsp gluten free soy sauce or tamari
  • 1 tsp maple syrup
  • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • Juice of 1/4 of a lime
  • 1/2 thumb sized piece of ginger grated
  • Pinch of cayenne pepper (optional)

Add all ingredients to a jar and mix well. You’re aiming for a pouring consistency, so add a little water if it’s too thick. Store in the fridge until required.

Mid afternoon - Glass of water/herbal tea - peppermint, fennel or dandelion are good options.

Dinner - Broccoli & Leek Detox Soup (makes 4 portions) - This filling soup is perfect for a light detox lunch or dinner.

  • 2 leeks
  • 1 onion
  • 2 handfuls fresh spinach
  • 1 large head of broccoli
  • 1 fat clove of garlic
  • 1.2 litres vegetable stock (I like Swiss marigold bouillon) or fresh chicken stock
  • 1 can of white beans
  • Olive oil to fry plus EVOO to drizzle
  • 1 tbsp mixed seeds (I like pumpkin, sunflower & pine nuts)
  • Salt & pepper + cayenne pepper (optional) to taste
  1. Wash and trim the leeks. Slice them in half lengthwise and then again so you have long strips in quarters. Chop each piece into small pieces, then set aside.
  2. Slice the onion and chop the broccoli, set aside.
  3. Warm a little olive oil in a pan and saute the leeks and onion until soft and translucent. Add the chopped garlic and cook for a further minute.
  4. Add the stock and allow to simmer for 10 minutes. Then add the broccoli and simmer for another 3 -4 minutes.
  5. Now add the beans and spinach and cook for a further 2 - 3 minutes.
  6. Toast your seeds in a dry frying pan. Set aside.
  7. Once all the vegetables are cooked through and the beans are warm, blend until smooth or leave chunky depending on preference. I like to blend half then add it back into the pan so that it’s a bit of both.
  8. Serve drizzled with EVOO, a pinch of cayenne and a tablespoon of toasted seeds.

After dinner, have 100g of coconut yogurt topped with a heaped teaspoon of chia seeds and a handful of blueberries and raspberries or an apple with a drizzle of almond butter and a sprinkling of cinnamon.

Evening - Glass of water/herbal tea - chamomile, valerian and tulsi tea are great for helping with sleep.

Download these recipes.

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